The Transition Effects You Will Like and How to Make Them

Let’s talk video. It’s no secret that the world is becoming increasingly more digitized in everyday life. It’s important to have the ability and the skill to create and edit videos. In this post, we’ll explore the Write-on Video application focusing in particular on the new transitions that you can add to your videos and take them to the next level. Continue reading “The Transition Effects You Will Like and How to Make Them”

How To Take Awesome Pet Photos With Your iPhone

Welcome back to part two of our Photography series, in our previous piece we talked about how to better your iPhone photography skills. At Kdan Mobile, it’s safe to say we’re big fans of animals and know how many people out there have pets of their own that they love dearly. Capturing photos of an unpredictable and moving subject such as a dog, a cat, a horse, or another animal can be sometimes tricky – but don’t worry, that’s where we come in to help! Continue reading “How To Take Awesome Pet Photos With Your iPhone”

#AD4EVER Back-To-Basic: The Final – All Good Things Must Come To An End

This is our final post of #AD4EVER Back-to-Basic series. We hope this series could serve as your future reference guide. Besides just teaching you some classic animation techniques, we hope that we have also inspired you to be even more creative and make your own animation. Continue reading “#AD4EVER Back-To-Basic: The Final – All Good Things Must Come To An End”

#AD4EVER Back to Basics III: Learn Inbetweening – Another Animation Skill in Your Bag

Building on the techniques we have covered in the two previous tutorials, this week we are going to introduce to you the inbetweening animation technique– an essential skill that can make a significant difference to your work.  This technique is used in many types of animation, including traditional hand-drawn animation and the modern digital animation. The application of this technique can greatly contribute to creating the sense of flow, which is at the heart of all good animation. Continue reading “#AD4EVER Back to Basics III: Learn Inbetweening – Another Animation Skill in Your Bag”

#AD4EVER Back To Basics II: Essential Animation Techniques From Disney Animation Pioneers

This tutorial focuses on three of the Twelve Basic Principles of Animation: Arc, Timing and Spacing, Slow In and Slow Out. Get to know what they are now!

Explore the crucial principles of animation and create your own flying bee animation.

Last week we have released the second video of the series of #AD4EVER Back to Basics tutorials. Building on the techniques and concepts shown in the last lesson, this tutorial takes you a step further and teaches you three fundamental principles of animation developed by the respectable animation pioneers from Walt Disney Studio in the 1930s. Continue reading “#AD4EVER Back To Basics II: Essential Animation Techniques From Disney Animation Pioneers”