Back to School Series: Get Ready!

back to school

Hello September. Time to get back to school! Are you ready for the new start? Whether you are mourning the end of vacation or not, it is time to get some work done for the new school year.

Keep Calm, Turn Your iPhone / iPad on

Back to school

As we all learned from our mistakes, we want to pass down some personal lessons to whoever wants to have a clean slate for the upcoming school year:

1. Don’t be late for your first class unless you want unnecessary attention from your profs’ extra attention throughout the entire semester

2. Take time to remember class schedules and digest the relevant information of the courses you’re taking. Being organized is of utmost importance.

3. Buy your books, don’t procrastinate.

4. Bookstores don’t always have the best deals.

Welcome to the Era of Edtech

Let us list out ways that let your iPhone, iPad, or iPod uplift your school life:

1. Know Your Way

Be on time – it’s the golden rule to be a successful student. You need a school map and a bus timetable to get you started. That’s not it, you need to highlight all the buildings where your classes will be, food court, bookstore, and all other important places. Thank goodness there’s a note-taking app for you to synthesize all that info.


2. Make a Cheat Sheet

Review your class agenda could be a key factor to start the new semester off right. You don’t have to review every chapter like Hermione Granger does, but it’s always helpful to read through the course outline before class and know what to expect.

You are overwhelmed with all the information you got. Your iPhone or iPad might be able to help you. Traditional paper planners might work, but the pieces of information can be lost in the big pile of papers. Try a note-taking app like NoteLedge to help you organize texts, images, online information, tables, and multimedia files. NoteLedge lets you put together everything into infographics, digitally.

3. Be a Smart Buyer

Back to School blues may possibly come from the stress of purchasing books. Endless lining up to enter the bookstores can already kill everyone’s patience Taking a trip to the bookstore before the semesters brings you all the peace in mind to purchase books, but sometimes it comes with a hefty cost as books from bookstores are notoriously more expensive. How about just take a quick scan with your iPhone and compare prices later online? Not just take the pictures of the books, but use your iPhone or iPad to “scan” the table of contents, information of the publishers, ISBNs and share the information with your friends.

Pocket Scanner comes in handy for scanning and organizing images into PDFs that gives you a clearer sense of comparing prices and book condition.

Pocket Scanner