We are experiencing a huge boom in entrepreneurship where all sorts of people have decided to start their own businesses. There are fun names associated with some of these people such as mompreneur, a compound of mom and entrepreneur. Well, let’s talk about student entrepreneurs.
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How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur From Scratch
For many, starting a business may sound like a daunting task that’s impossible to do. However, successful entrepreneurship is possible even as a student or when you’re starting your career. Read on to learn more about entrepreneurship and how you can start your own business from scratch!
Continue reading “How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur From Scratch”Entrepreneur Vs Intrapreneur: Which Is More Suitable For You?
Are you looking to start your own company or join an existing one? Entrepreneurship has become an attractive career option over the last decade; the number of businesses started each year has increased from 2 million in 2000 to 6 million today in 2022.
Entrepreneurship is defined as the act of starting a new venture, usually with the aim of earning profit. An entrepreneur takes risks and makes decisions with minimal previous precedence or guidance. Thus, they will often face unique challenges and obstacles along the way.
On the other hand, intrapreneurship, a term coined by management guru Peter Drucker, is defined as the ability to take initiative within an organization. This approach means employees take responsibility for creating ideas and solutions, while still working within an established company.
Curious to learn more about entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship? Read on.
Continue reading “Entrepreneur Vs Intrapreneur: Which Is More Suitable For You?”Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs: Visionary Leaders that Translate Ideas into Reality
November is one of our favorite times of the year at Kdan. It’s a month-long celebration of entrepreneurship, that culminates with #globalentrepreneurshipweek from Monday the 18th to Friday the 22nd.
Our U.S. Team had a unique opportunity to partner with two organizations that are dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship, the Juniata Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (JCEL) and Startup Alleghenies, to host a mini-series of events this month that share experiences and start conversations about starting a business. It was useful to learn about some top LLC companies and the best LLC services that will help with starting a business as well.

One of the big ideas discussed in both events is that you don’t have to be self-employed to be considered “entrepreneurial.” Intrapreneurs, or entrepreneurial people within an organization, are valuable assets to any team. We want to share some highlights from the two sessions and how these concepts relate to your career path, whether it’s for your own company or the one you’re working for!
Continue reading “Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs: Visionary Leaders that Translate Ideas into Reality”Make it Your Business to Celebrate Entrepreneurship Month with Kdan Mobile
It’s that time of year again…November is Global Entrepreneurship Month! And this year, our U.S. Team is celebrating by co-hosting a series of events alongside other local organizations that support startups and small businesses. To follow along with the events, be sure to follow us on Twitter, where we’ll be live-Tweeting some of the advice offered during the events!
Continue reading “Make it Your Business to Celebrate Entrepreneurship Month with Kdan Mobile”