User Story from EdTech Integration Teachers: Let Students Express Their Voices through Animation Desk

Animation Desk User Story

Animation Desk has nurtured students’ creativity for years, becoming a beloved and indispensable software for education programs. Its simple, yet comprehensive features allows for it to function as an art learning tool that brings students’ unique stories and imaginations to life.Through animation, students can develop story-telling, problem-solving, and collaboration skills, while fostering a passion for artistic expression.

The Animation Desk Team is excited to speak with teachers from the Conejo Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) who currently use Animation Desk in their animation programs. We’re impressed by the students’ lovely work and engagement in the creative process.

We interviewed technology integration specialists Tammy Farhit and Haley Walker from the Conejo Valley Unified School District. Their organization has been supporting K-12 students and teachers in integrating technology into their classrooms. Read on to find out more about how Animation Desk has helped CVUSD teachers in their classroom.

Animation Desk for Education

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Animation Brings Joy and Sense of Accomplishment into Classrooms

1. Please introduce yourself and CVUSD Tech TOSAs.

We are Tammy Farhit and Haley Walker from Conejo Valley Unified School District. We are Technology Integration Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSAs). Our mission is to support TK-12 grade students and teachers with technology integration in their classrooms. We not only support the integration of our district adopted curriculum, but we also bring in our own expertise as it relates to technology use in the classroom. 

Teaching by using Animation Desk in class

2. What is the importance of art and animation to the students in your schools?

Integration of the Arts is interrelated into our standards and curriculum to ensure equity and accessibility for all students. Animation allows our students to express themselves in creative ways to demonstrate their understanding of core concepts in their classrooms. 

3. Please talk about the Animation Desk program in your schools.

  • How did you use Animation Desk in classes?

When we first bring animation into a classroom, we talk about what animation is, examples of animation students have seen in their lives, and walk students through an intro lesson where we animate a bouncing ball. From there, we dig deeper into the animation desk features to teach students how to expand their animation experience. We make sure important vocabulary such as frames, layers, timeline, onion skin, is showcased and reiterated throughout our lessons. 

We have found Animation Desk appropriate for grades 2-12. We have had students animate a bouncing ball, a rainbow, leprechaun with a pot of gold, raining hearts, roller coasters, and our social studies classes are currently working on animating a location around the world. 

Student's work created using Animation Desk
  • Did you use any complementary teaching materials with Animation Desk?

We design our own grade level lessons.

  • What were the benefits of using Animation Desk in classes?

Student engagement and creativity are at an all time high during animation lessons. Our introductory lessons provide a solid foundation for Animation Desk skills which give students voice and choice as they delve deeper into the program and expand their animation skills. 

  • What were the students’ reactions about the course? Did the students get a chance to showcase their animation works?

Students LOVE learning how to animate. Many students start apprehensive about their abilities to animate, but quickly gain confidence and success! At the conclusion of each lesson, students play their animation for the class and we conduct a “Gallery Walk” to showcase student creations. 

Student showcasing their animation work
  • Where did you hear about Animation Desk and why did you choose it?

We heard about Animation Desk from a student and we chose to use it for its user friendly platform and ease of use. 

4. Do you have any suggestions, ideas, or tips about using Animation Desk in classes?

I’m not sure if this is already a feature, but many students want to change the background midway through their animation. Besides, If there is a way to create an education version of Animation Desk without ads this would be very popular. 

If you would like to learn more about CVUSD Tech Tosas and how they transform education with technology, you can visit their Twitter and Instagram to discover more possibilities in classrooms.

Ignite the Spark of Learning: Embrace Animation Desk for a Vibrant Classroom Experience! 

Whether you’re an educator looking to infuse creativity and innovation into your lessons, a student eager to delve into the art of animating, or an advocate for unleashing creativity, Animation Desk is the ultimate classic animation software that will revolutionize your teaching and learning experience. Its intuitive layout, extensive drawing and assisting tools, and comprehensive tutorials provides the perfect opportunity to introduce the captivating world of animation to your students. 

With Animation Desk, you can easily bring imagination to life and empower your students to express themselves with confidence. Discover the endless possibilities of animation as a powerful educational tool and watch your classroom transform into a vibrant hub of creativity and self-expression. Try Animation Desk today! We provide special offers for educators and students; feel free to get the offer on our website or contact us.

Animation Desk for Education

Learn animation with ease and unleash creativity!

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