PDF Reader User Story- Bishwombhar Lamsal

PDF Reader helps me greatly in my work environment. It is like my integral friend.

In this edition of User Story, we have asked one of our PDF Reader users, Bishwombhar Lamsal, an Evolved Entrepreneur from Napal to share with us how this app has become an “integral friend” in his professional life.

Bishwombhar Lamsal_My Office Working Space - Makalu Adventure Travel & Tours
Picture of Bishwombhar Lamsal

Having graduated with an MBA degree, Bishwombhar Lamsal considers himself as an “Evolved Entrepreneur”, who currently owns a small Nepalese tourism and hospitality company. He aspires to pioneer the tourism industry in Kathmandu, Nepal with the aim of providing top quality services and reliable information for his clients. As a committed user of the PDF series, he regards the premium edition of PDF Reader as “simply amazing”. In Bishwombhar’s view, “PDF Reader gives me access to all types of PDFs. Most importantly, the app has made my work life much easier. It perfectly fits the needs of people working in the tourism industry! Just wow!”

PDF Reader User Story_Bishwombhar LamsalBishwombhar came to know Kdan’s apps through the Apple App Store Suggestions. “As far as I remember, I have been using PDF Reader on my iPhone for about 2 years. It has helped me to play around with the itineraries I design for my guests  and make changes to them with ease. PDF Reader enables me to insert photos and make changes suggested by my clients while I’m not near my desktop PC.” Having the flexibility to access and edit his documents wherever he is has empowered Bishwombhar to be more efficient and productive.

PDF Connoisseur_Text to Speech
Text to Speech

Besides using the app to read and edit his PDF files, Bishwombhar also makes use of the TTS (Text-To-Speech) function from PDF Connoisseur. “Normally I work for 16 to 17 hours a day, every day of the week. Sometimes I rely on the app to read the itineraries out loud for me.” The added convenience brought by the TTS feature is such an added plus that aids Bidhwombhar’s hectic work schedule.

“My favorite app feature has to be its ability to open all file formats! It is incredible. I can insert symbols, pictures, logos into the PDFs, and easily sign documents directly on the PDF! Several other vital features like the highlighters and editing tools are also fantastic. I really enjoy being able to annotate and edit easily. Edits to the files can be made as I am walking through the itineraries with my clients. I can also underline any important segments of the itinerary with a few swipes.”

When PDF Markup Cloud was first introduced last year, Bishwombhar was one of the many who subscribed to Kdan Cloud. “I find the Kdan Cloud service all really good and it is just amazing that my stored files can be accessed from anywhere. With just a few touches I get to transfer my files onto my Kdan Cloud account and I wouldn’t have to worry about losing important files in case of any hardware malfunctions. Data security and safety is of my utmost importance because of the nature of my business.”

Many thanks to Bishwombhar for sharing his story and showing us a glimpse of his entrepreneur life! If you would like to get involved in our User Story project and be featured in the next article, join us here.