Promo Videos - Video Ideas for Small Business


Why Should Small Business Make Promo Videos?

Let's make a video that tells the world how great your product or service is! Video is not only for big brands or tech companies. Incorporating digital content strategies allow a business to reach more leads and increase customer loyalty. Social media and tech have reshaped the purchase decision flow; video is now an important reference source in a purchase decision.

A study concludes that Youtube video content serves a critical role in grabbing consumers' attention and increase consumers' trust toward the product. In short, video yields better engagement and conversion.

How to Make an Explainer Video

Explain videos are videos that explain your product and services. The structure of an explainer video is quite fixed, but the techniques and formats vary. For example, animated explainer video, live-action explainer video, or hybrid video that uses both animation and live-action footage all require different shooting techniques and ideas. Here are some tips for the explainer videos.

Creating an Attention-grabbing Intro

People tend to remember unusual, strange, or interesting content. Open your video with an interesting statement or unusual facts to grab your audience's attention.

Specify the Problem

Gauge the pain point, or problem, that your product or service will solve for your potential customers. Remember: storytelling is always the best strategy.

Highlight the Selling Points

What makes your product and service stand out from the rest? Your viewer might have a shorter attention span than you expect, so choose 1-3 benefits your product can bring to the users. Be precise and confident about your statement.

Avoid Monologue and Borden

Repetitive scenes and flat-tone monologues can drive your viewers' attention away. Choose a setting that fits your product. If you are selling a sports camera, you can include more outdoor scenes. Add backgrounds, music, or conversation to leave your mark.

What are a Testimony Video, Tips, and Ideas

Testimony videos allow users to speak for your product. Viewers tend to view testimony videos to be more reliable and authentic. The key to a testimony video is to be authentic; however, that doesn't wipe out the importance of video scripts, preparation works, and video editing.

Video Scripts

A good script guides your users through the video shooting and makes them feel like they're being easily led through it. From a marketing and business development perspective, here are some things to check:

  • Who is your target audience for this testimony video?
  • What does your target audience get from the story?
  • What are the benefits and features?

It's a story about the user. Schedule a pre-interview with a user and work together on the script.

Business Branding Video

Generally speaking, every corporate video is a branding video because it impacts a consumer's perception of your brand. Before going to the brand video, your team should think about the brand assets. Brand assets are elements that distinguish your brand from the competitors.

The brand assets elements can be tangible and intangible. Look into the existing corporate culture, vision, and user feedback to audit the brand assets. Present these characteristics with visual or auditory design in your branding video.

Equipment and Settings

A mobile phone with high-resolution should be enough in most cases. Make sure you use another phone or microphone to record voice and sound. Other recommended equipment includes a tripod and LED lights.

When filming an interview or speech, make sure the environment is quiet and clear. The environment should be relaxing but allow the protagonist to stay focused.

Video Editing for Business Videos

When editing explainer videos, testimonial videos, or branding videos, the focus should be on organizing the content and filtering what is useful for the audiences. Here are some suggestions,

Video Length - You might have more than one version of the video depending on the broadcast channel. Shoot more footage if you can, but giving up some scenes is necessary. Add Transitions - Transition can give your viewers' eyes a break before diving into the next chunk of information. Audio Fixes - Check volume consistency between different scenes. You can use video editing software to fix the uneven volume. An Eye-Catching Intro - Viewers tend to decide whether to continue watching the video or not after the first 5 seconds. Create a 5 second summary as the video intro and let your audience know what to expect next."

Recommended Features in Write-on Video

Video Scripts

Planning is the foundation of any video project, as a good plan saves money and energy for you and your team. Use Pods to create a video outline and plan the scene in Write-on Video. Make sure each scene carries your key message.

Outline Template

Let the pre-built outline templates help you get started. Write-on Video provides script templates for product review videos, tutorial videos, and unboxing videos. Write-on-video-business

Add Text and Subtitles on Video

Text and captions help your viewers to understand the video when they are unable to hear the audio. Click "Layers" in Write-on Video, and choose "Text" or "Auto Caption" (iOS only) to generate text and captions. Users can edit text fonts, colors, borders to ensure readability. Write-on-video-business

Add Video Transitions

Write-on Video provides transition effects and users can preview the transition effect instantly. Write-on-video-business


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